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Passengers delayed by bird strikes can claim compensation, judge rules - Telegraph

Thomas Cook had refused to award compensation under EU Regulation 261/2004, arguing that the cause of the delay – a bird strike – was an “extraordinary” circumstance for which it was not liable. However, district judge Iyer ordered the company to pay Mr Ash and four other passengers around £310 each.
Bird strikes happen every day, in fact many times a day, and would hardly be worthy of comment but for the delay which they cause. They do not fall within the same category as a motorway collision between a car and my previous example of a horse, which would be extraordinary, for the simple reason that our skies are populated with birds, whereas our roads are not populated with horses.

Manchester County Court of Timothy Ash V Thomas Cook.

Som vanligt kommer @Nemo med föredömliga referenser. :)

Det är intressant att domstolen gjorde en så pass hård bedömning. Jag tycker att man till viss del underskattar skadorna som fåglar kan åstadkomma och tiden det kan ta att ens inspektera och hitta dessa. Men det är väl dumt att klaga när de dömer till passagerarnas fördel...