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Etihad matchar ditt guldkort


Jag har inte fått någon respons. Skickade iväg en ny fråga idag som svar på det mail som lovade svar inom en månad efter förfrågan...


Inget guld här inte! Mailade för någon vecka sen och frågade hur det gick,
Fick följade svar:

Dear Mr. henke12,

Thank you for taking the time to contact the Etihad Guest Service Centre.

Mr. henke12, all requests for tier match shall be taken by our local ticketing office where the guest is located. This is to ensure direct and quicker handling of the request as the medium between the guest and the station will be eliminated. The medium refers to Etihad Guest Service Center.
All considerations of this nature are managed by our local sales representatives who will sponsor your tier upgrade following an evaluation of your request. We therefore request you to kindly contact your nearest local Etihad office in order to explore the possibility of a Tier status match.

Please ensure that you keep on hand a copy of your valid membership card with the other frequent flyer programme along with a copy of the latest statement which clearly indicates your current Tier level and send your Etihad Guest number to our staff for reference.

Our Global offices can be found at the below link:

Contact us

Yours Sincerely,

Suraj Madhavan
Service Coordinator

Så det känns inte som de har riktigt koll :/


Inget guld här inte! Mailade för någon vecka sen och frågade hur det gick,
Fick följade svar:

Dear Mr. henke12,

Thank you for taking the time to contact the Etihad Guest Service Centre.

Mr. henke12, all requests for tier match shall be taken by our local ticketing office where the guest is located. This is to ensure direct and quicker handling of the request as the medium between the guest and the station will be eliminated. The medium refers to Etihad Guest Service Center.
All considerations of this nature are managed by our local sales representatives who will sponsor your tier upgrade following an evaluation of your request. We therefore request you to kindly contact your nearest local Etihad office in order to explore the possibility of a Tier status match.

Please ensure that you keep on hand a copy of your valid membership card with the other frequent flyer programme along with a copy of the latest statement which clearly indicates your current Tier level and send your Etihad Guest number to our staff for reference.

Our Global offices can be found at the below link:

Contact us

Yours Sincerely,

Suraj Madhavan
Service Coordinator

Så det känns inte som de har riktigt koll :/


Snacka om besvikelse när man inte ens får ett svar,

Etihad ligger långt ner på min lista nu!
Dags för svarta listan för snart kanske :)
Glad påsk på er!


Det tog 6 veckor men fick mitt Etihad guldkort till sist (match mot Qantas Gold). Får se om det kan utnyttjas åtminstone på Virgins lounger.


Det ska utan tvekan funka om du flyger VA! Nu antar jag att du föredrar Qantas' lounger oavsett dock. ;)


Inte ens fått ett svar av Etihad, hade planerat att göra en längre resa i första klass med just Etihad, men det här flygbolaget går fetbort när man inte ens bemödar sig att svara. Där fick Emirates lite mer pengar i kistan ;)


Jaha då var det officiellt- inget Guld till mig, däremot gläds jag åt de som lyckades matcha till Guld. Matchade mot EBG+FBG och fick mail idag:

Dear maba,

This email is with regards to our recent Etihad Guest tier match promotion. We regret to inform you that your application did not meet the required eligibility criteria and hence you will not receive an Etihad Guest Gold card.

We thank you for participating in this promotion. To view our latest promotions, please visit

Warm regards,

The Etihad Guest Team
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