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Borttappat bagage på Kenya Airways

KQ är inte på något sätt förbjudna av EU. Inte ens jag, som ofta är skeptisk mot afrikanska carriers, skulle våga påstå att de ens borde vara förbjudna i EU.

Jag måste säga att flyga med dem mellan NBO o DAR är bra de har nya fräscha E190/195 du får mat ( typ pirog o kaka) kan välja mellan öl o läsk etc.... Det jag är mest skeptisk till är deras runt omkring operation etc


KQ er et fremragende Afrikansk flyselskab. Har haft mange gode oplevelser. Enkelte fly er ved at være lidt trætte, businessclass sæderne er ofte af den "gammeldags" type. Men af en eller anden grund, sover man (jeg) godt i disse Z-lænestole.

Min seneste oplevelse var midt 2011 (sendte til SKYTRAX, som redigerede en smule):

Kenya Airways Rating 8 out of 10 Economy class T - May 2011
BKK-NBO-KGL. Boeing 767-8. Excellent service on board (both sectors), Increasing inflight service, and FAs are becoming of more diverse origin - speaking a wide array of languages. 40 kg BAGGAGE allowances provided as standard (economy “T-class”). Specials meals provided and additional “ordinary” meals offered. Plenty of beverages offered throughout and frequently. Drawbacks: 1. a stop-over in Bujumbura on the way to Kigali.was not announced 2. FFP- Miles only provided 25% despite ticket was purchased from airlines homepage for common price.

Kenya Airways class T June 2011
KGL-NBO-BKK. Both sectors: excellent service, special meal accommodated. Upon request, more hot dishes were provided though not of as high quality as special meal. IFE is not of my priority. It has not been working properly on any of my most recent 8 flights with KQ. Kenya Airways: expect less, get more. Staff work very hard, caring to offer passengers as much as possible, even that both flights were almost full. Old aircraft NBO-BKK, noisy and worn. Food and drinks seem almost unlimited, provided coming from polite inquiries and controlled behavior. Multiethnic, energetic, diligent staff gives a good chance to match communication in your choice of Thai, Chinese, Cantonese, Swahili, English or Lou.