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Dags för ännu hårdare kontroller på flygplatserna


Då var det dags att förstöra upplevelsen på flygplatsen ännu mer. UK vill att man tar till med hårdhandskarna och det kommer troligtvis att innebära ännu hårdare regler gällande medhavda vätskor. Dvs ännu mer tramsig "security theatre".

Theresa May will use her first visit to the United Nations this week to lead calls for a tightening in airport security around the world, which could lead to wider restrictions on the liquids that can be taken on aircraft.

Mrs May, who arrives in New York tomorrow and will address the General Assembly on Tuesday, will push for a Security Council resolution amid concerns that terrorists linked to Islamic State are exploiting lax procedures in some countries.


Although the new resolution is not specifically focused on the liquid ban, it is likely to form part of a move to improve security across the board.