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Forskning visar att champagne är bra för minnet


New research shows that drinking one to three glasses of champagne a week may counteract the memory loss associated with ageing, and could help delay the onset of degenerative brain disorders, such as dementia.

Scientists at the University of Reading have shown that the phenolic compounds found in champagne can improve spatial memory, which is responsible for recording information about one's environment, and storing the information for future navigatio

Scientists reveal drinking champagne could improve memory


Har inte fördjupat mig i ovanstående länk men oftast brukar det, vid liknande undersökningar, visa sig vara tråkigt låga doser som är bra för kroppen.
Angående aktuellt forskningsresultat så kan jag konstatera att större mängder har, enligt egna empiriska undersökningar, resulterat i motsatta resultat :)

Dr. Miles

Det beror självklart på hur mycket man dricker. :)

Gizmodo skrev:
People who experience fragmentary blackouts, sometimes referred to as "brownouts," can typically recall forgotten events once they're reminded of them. En bloc blackouts aren't so lucky. But both types are believed to be caused by the same thing, namely a neurophysiological, chemical disruption in the brain's hippocampus, a region integral to memory formation.

Alcohol interferes with the receptors in the hippocampus that transmit glutamate, a compound that carries signals between neurons. During this interference, alcohol prevents some receptors from working, while activating others. This process causes the neurons to create steroids that then prevent neurons from communicating with each other properly, thus disrupting long-term potentiation (LTP), a process believed necessary for learning and memory.

What Happens To Your Brain When You Get Black-Out Drunk?